Potrebno je: (ingredients)
20 gr kvasca (20g yeast)
300 ml mleka (300 ml milk)
1 jaje (1 egg)
1 kašičica šećera (1 spoon of sugar)
malo soli (salt)
550-600 gr brašna (550-600 g flour)
malo ulja (oil)
Priprema: (preparation)
Rastopiti kvasac u mleku i dodati šećer. Kad kvasac zapeni dodati jaje, brašno i zamesiti srednje tvrdo glastko teso.
(melt the yeast in the milk and add the sugar. When the yeast foams, add the egg, flour and knead a medium hard smooth dough.)
Ostaviti da odmori 30 min pa ga razvući na sto u pravougaonik više na kocku pola cm debljine i premazati malo uljem .
(leave it to rest for 30 minutes, then stretch it on a table into a rectangle more into a cube half a cm thick and coat it with a little oil.)
Testo iseći po dužini na trake do ivice ne do kraja. Rukama uhvatiti ćošak i svijati u rolnicu a zatim u krug.
(cut the dough lengthwise into strips to the edge not to the end. Grasp the corner with your hands and bend it into a roll and then into a circle.)
Staviti pogaču u tepsuju 22 cm prečnika.
(Put the bread in a pan 22 cm in diameter.)
Tepsiju obložiti pek papirom. Ostaviti da odmori pa je premaziti žumancetom i posuti semenkama. Peći na 180 stepeni C oko 40 min.
(line a baking tray with baking paper. Leave it to rest, then coat it with egg yolk and sprinkle with seeds. Bake at 180 degrees C for about 40 minutes.)
Pokriti krpom. Mekana kao pena fantastična uživajte…
(cover with a cloth. Soft as a fantastic foam enjoy)
(cover with a cloth. Soft as a fantastic foam enjoy)