Sastojci: (ingredients)
Za fil: (for fill)
8 žumanaca (8 yolks)
100 gr šećera (100 g sugar)
2 vanilin šećera (2 vanilla sugar)
150 gr čokolade (150 g chocolate)
200 gr maslaca (200 g butter)
1 kesica šlaga (1 whipped cream)
Za koru: (for crust)
8 belanaca (8 albumen)
6 supenih kašika šećera (6 spoons of sugar)
150gr mlevenih oraha (150 g minced nuts)
8 supenih kašika brašna (8 spoons of flour)
Priprema: (preparation)
Fil: (fill)
Žumanca, šećer i vanilin šećer umutite prvo u posudi pa onda kuvajte na pari-10ak min. Žumanca su kuvana kada kašikom provučete kroz njihi vidi se dno.
(whisk the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar first in a bowl and then cook for 10 minutes. The yolks are cooked when you run a spoon through them, you can see the bottom.)
(whisk the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar first in a bowl and then cook for 10 minutes. The yolks are cooked when you run a spoon through them, you can see the bottom.)
Dodajte izlomljenu čokoladu i mešajte dok se ne istopi. Ostavite ovo malo da se prohladi, pa dodajte u izmućen maslac na sobnoj temperaturi. U ovo dodati izmućeni šlag . Ostavite fil u frižideru sat vremena!
(add the crushed chocolate and stir until melted. Allow this to cool slightly, then add to the whipped butter at room temperature. Add whipped cream to this. Leave the filling in the fridge for an hour!)
(add the crushed chocolate and stir until melted. Allow this to cool slightly, then add to the whipped butter at room temperature. Add whipped cream to this. Leave the filling in the fridge for an hour!)
Kora: (crust)
Umutiti belanca,i dodajte prstohvat soli ,pa dodati šećer – mutiti . Onda špahnom mutiti i dodati orahe, brašno pomešano sa praškom za pecivo.
(whisk the egg whites, and add a pinch of salt, then add the sugar – stir. Then stir with a spatula and add walnuts, flour mixed with baking powder.)
(whisk the egg whites, and add a pinch of salt, then add the sugar – stir. Then stir with a spatula and add walnuts, flour mixed with baking powder.)
Peći u plehu od rerne koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje. . Kore iseći na 3 dela da se dobiju 3 jednaka pravougaonika.
(bake in an oven tray lined with baking paper. . Cut the crust into 3 parts to get 3 equal rectangles.)
(bake in an oven tray lined with baking paper. . Cut the crust into 3 parts to get 3 equal rectangles.)
Posebno na pari otopiti 100 gr čokolade sa 3 supene kašike ulja.
(melt 100 g of chocolate with 3 tablespoons of oil separately on steam.)
Kada sklonite sa ringle, dodajte jednu supenu kašiku margarina jer će čokoladi dati sjaj i čvrstoću.
(when you remove from the heat, add one tablespoon of margarine because it will give the chocolate shine and firmness.)
(when you remove from the heat, add one tablespoon of margarine because it will give the chocolate shine and firmness.)
Svaku koru premazati filom, a odozgo preliti topljenom čokoladom.Sladite se–
(Coat each crust with filling, and pour melted chocolate on top. Sweeten)
(Coat each crust with filling, and pour melted chocolate on top. Sweeten)