Potrebno je: (ingredients)
10 tanjih kora (10 thinner crust)
100 gr sira (100 g cheese)
50 gr kulena (50 g chili sausage)
1 jaje (1 egg)
malo praška za pecivo (baking powder)
ulje (oil)
Priprema: (preparation)
U lončić sipati malo tople vode i na vrh noža praška za pecivo i ulja. Sir izdrobiti dodati seckan kulen i ubaciti jaje i sve zajedno izjednačiti
(pour a little warm water into the pot and top the knife with baking powder and oil. Crush the cheese, add chopped sausage and add the egg and equalize everything)
Jednu koru raširiti na sto pa je premazati vodom i uljem, preko nje još jednu .Skupiti koru u sredini kao mašnui saviti donje ćoškove.
(spread one crust on the table and coat it with water and oil, another over it. Gather the crust in the middle like a bow and bend the lower corners.)
(spread one crust on the table and coat it with water and oil, another over it. Gather the crust in the middle like a bow and bend the lower corners.)
Na dno staviti nadev pa uviti u rolnicu. Rerdjati u podmazan pleh.
(put the stuffing on the bottom and wrap it in a roll. Rust in a greased pan.)
Peći na 200 stepeni C oko 25 min.
(bake on 200 degrees for 25 min)
Hrskava fina savršen doručak, užina….večera…uživajte
(crispy fine perfect breakfast, snack …. dinner … enjoy)
(crispy fine perfect breakfast, snack …. dinner … enjoy)