Potrebno je: (ingredients)
5 l vode (5 l water)
15 kr. paprike (15 kg paprika)
5 kg plavog patlidžana (5 kg eggplant)
250 – 300 gr soli (250-300 gr salt)
4 kašike esenceije (4 spoon vinegar)
1/2 j ulja (half litre oil)
biber u zrnu (large pepper)
lovorov list (laurel)
Priprema: (preparation)
Papriku dobro oprati u nekoliko voda, odstraniti drške i voditi računa da se svaki kvar skloni. U lonac sipati 5 l vode, dodati esenciju, so, lovorov list i biber u zrnu . Kad provri ubaciti papriku pa kad provri promešati i pustiti još minut da vri odmah vaditi u vanglu i pokriti.
(wash the peppers well in a few waters, remove the stalks and take care that any defect is removed. Pour 5 liters of water into the pot, add the essence, salt, bay leaf and peppercorns. When it boils, add the paprika, then when it boils, stir and let it boil for another minute, immediately take it out into the pan and cover.)
Plavi patlidžan oljuštitiiseći na četvrtine i njega obariti u ustoj tečnosti. Paprika i plavi patlidžan se moraju ocediti ja stavljam u rešetkast džakčić i presavijem preko neke šipke ili lonca i tako ostavim 5-6 sati najbolje celu noć.
(peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Paprika and blue eggplant must be drained, I put it in a lattice bag and fold it over a bar or pot and leave it for 5-6 hours, preferably all night.)
(peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Paprika and blue eggplant must be drained, I put it in a lattice bag and fold it over a bar or pot and leave it for 5-6 hours, preferably all night.)
Papriku mleti na mašini za meso najsitnije rupe. U veliku šerpu sipati ulje, pa kad se ugreje istresti mlevenu papriku i mešati i pržiti oko 2.5-3 sata.
(grind the paprika in the meat grinder of the smallest holes. Pour oil into a large sherpa, and when it warms up, shake out the ground paprika and mix and fry for about 2.5-3 hours.)
Ajvar je gotov kad se vidi dno šerpe kad se provuče varjača.
(the ajvar is ready when the bottom of the sherpa is visible when the cooker is pulled through.)
(the ajvar is ready when the bottom of the sherpa is visible when the cooker is pulled through.)
Sipati u oprane tegle i svaku teglu dobro zatvoriti i može se tegle okrenuti i tako ostaviti do sutra, ili pasterizovati u reni da poklopac uvuče. Ostaviti u police sa ostalom zimnicom.
(pour into the washed jars and close each jar well and the jars can be turned over and left until tomorrow, or pasteurized in the oven so that the lid retracts.)
(pour into the washed jars and close each jar well and the jars can be turned over and left until tomorrow, or pasteurized in the oven so that the lid retracts.)
[…] Ajvar je gotov kad se vidi dno šerpe kad se provuče varjača. […]
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