Potrebno je: (ingredients)
350 gr brašna (350 gr flour)
200 ml vode (200 ml water)
15 gr kvasca (15 gr yeast)
1 kašičica šećera (small spoon of sugar)
4 kašike maslinovog ulja (4 spoons olive oil)
malo soli (salt)
Za nadev: (filling)
100 gr sira kockice (100 gr cheese cube sliced)
malo maslinki (olives)
5 kašika čvaraka zaljućenih (5 spicy crackling)
1 paradajz (1 tomato)
50 gr šunke ili sudžuka (50 gr ham)
origano, krupna so…kim (oregano, salt, cumin)
1 žumance (1 yolk)
malo ulja (oil)
Priprema (preparation)
U mlakoj vodi rastvoriti kvasac i šećer pa dodati ulje brašno so i zamesiti glatko testo pokriti ga i ostaviti ga malo da odmori 30 min.
(dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm water, then add oil and flour and knead a smooth dough, cover it and leave it to rest for 30 minutes.)
Razvući rukama testo bez mešenja veličine pleha.Namazati testo maslinovim uljem. Masnim rukama napraviti rupe u testu u tu ubaciti seckan sir, kulen, maslinke cvarke..
(roll out the dough with your hands without mixing the size of the baking tray. Spread the dough with olive oil. With greasy hands, make holes in the dough and put chopped cheese, kulen, olives and crackling in it)
Naseći ruzmarina a može malo i belog luka zavući veće komade u testo. Premazati žimancetom i maslinovim uljem, posuti origanom krunom solju i kimom
(chop the rosemary and maybe a little garlic and put larger pieces in the dough. Coat with yolk and olive oil, sprinkle with oregano crown salt and cumin)
(chop the rosemary and maybe a little garlic and put larger pieces in the dough. Coat with yolk and olive oil, sprinkle with oregano crown salt and cumin)
Peći na 200 stepeni C oko 35 min da lepo porumeni.
Bake on 200 degrees 35 min until blushes
Bake on 200 degrees 35 min until blushes
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