Potrebno je: (ingredients)
1 veće pile (larger chicken)
100 ml majoneza (100 ml mayonaise)
2 kašike pire paradajza (2 spoon of tomato puree)
granule belog luka (garlic granules)
malo bibera (pepper)
soli.. ulje (salt and oil)
Priprema (preparation)
Pile malo obraditi nožem i preseći na pola sa donje strane gde je belo meso. Dobro ga posoliti.
(Process the chicken a little with a knife and cut it in half on the underside where the white meat is. Salt it well.)
(Process the chicken a little with a knife and cut it in half on the underside where the white meat is. Salt it well.)
U činiju sipati majonez, dodati pire paradajz, biber, beli luk ulje i sve izjednačiti.
(Pour mayonnaise into a bowl, add mashed tomatoes, pepper, garlic oil and equalize.)
Premazati dobro pile sa svih strana. Najbolje pile peći na rešetki gde se može lepo ocediti.
(Coat the chicken well on all sides. The best chicken is baked on the grill where it can drain nicely.)
(Coat the chicken well on all sides. The best chicken is baked on the grill where it can drain nicely.)
Pokriti aluminiskom folijom i držati celo vreme pečenja. Peći na 220 stepeni C oko sat i deset minuta (1.15) da lepo porumeni. Kao prilog odredite sami. Neopisivo dobro
(Cover with aluminum foil and keep the whole time of baking. Bake at 220 degrees C for about an hour and ten minutes (1.15) to brown nicely. As a side dish, determine for yourself. Indescribably good)
(Cover with aluminum foil and keep the whole time of baking. Bake at 220 degrees C for about an hour and ten minutes (1.15) to brown nicely. As a side dish, determine for yourself. Indescribably good)