Bakina kanal – krem čorba sa šampinjonima /cream soup with mushrooms/
Potrebno je:
1 glavica crnog luka
3 čena belog luka
1 kašika pavlake
1 šoljica mleka
1 kašika brašna
1 šargarepa
250-300 gr šampinjona
origano, biber ml. peršunov list malo ruzmarina
Na ulju propržiti crni luk, pa dodati na kolutove šargarepu, a zatim šampinjone na listiće. Dinstati na tihoj vatri dok šampinjoni i šargarepa ne omeknu. Dodati začin, beli luk, seckan ruzmarin, i pustiti još malo da se dinsta. Kad tečnost uvri i ostane malo, izmiksati u blenderu ili štapom za miks. Dodati 1 l. vode, malo bibera. Kad provri sipati mleko u činiju, dodati brašno i kašiku pavlake. Dobro izmešati da ne bude grudvica. Skloniti čorbu sa šporeta i uliti u čorbu pavlaku mešajući sa žicom. Pustiti da provri, paziti da ne pokipi. Dodati sitno seckan peršun i origano poklopiti i isključiti šporet. Prijatno iz bakine kuhinje!
Grandmother’s channel – cream soup with mushrooms / cream soup with mushrooms /
It’s necessary:
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon cream
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon flour
1 carrot
250-300 gr mushrooms
oregano, pepper ml. parsley a little rosemary
In oil fry onions, then add the carrots into slices, and then the mushrooms into slices. Cook over low heat until mushrooms and carrots are softened. Add seasoning, garlic, chopped rosemary, and let a little more to stewed. When the liquid uvri and remain small, grind in a blender or stick mix. Add 1 l. water, a little pepper. When it boils pour the milk into a bowl, add the flour and a tablespoon of sour cream. Stir well to not be lumps. Stow the soup from the heat and pour the cream into the soup, stirring with a wire. Let it boil, be careful not to pick up the. Add finely chopped parsley and oregano, cover and turn off the stove. Pleasant from grandma’s kitchen!