Potrebno je: (ingredients)
500 gr krupnog pasulja (500 gr beans)
500 gr crnog luka (500 g onion)
1 glavica beloga luka (1 garlic)
lovorov list (laurel)
zrno bibera (pepper)
250 ml. ulja (250 ml oil)
aleva paprika (powder pepper)
tucana ljuta paprika (chilly)
1 suva paprika (dried paprika)
Priprema: (preparation)
Pasulj dobro oprati pa sipati vodu da ogrezne i kuvati 3-4 min. Prosuti vodu isprati i naliti novu vodu. Staviti 2 kašike ulja, nekoliko zrna bibera..lovorov list.
(wash the beans well, then pour water to soak and cook for 3-4 minutes. Spill water rinse and pour new water. Put 2 tablespoons of oil, a few grains of pepper … bay leaf)
Kuvati pasulj da se skiva ali ne sasvim. Ne sme se mešati i pasulj mora ostati ceo.. Luk iseći na rezance sipa ulje i dinsta na laganog vatri oko 10 min.
(cook the beans to skim but not quite. It must not be mixed and the beans must remain whole. Cut the onion into noodles, pour the oil and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes.)
(cook the beans to skim but not quite. It must not be mixed and the beans must remain whole. Cut the onion into noodles, pour the oil and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes.)
Dodati alevu i tucanu papriku, mleveni biber so ..Sve dobro izmešati Na dno staviti sipati malo ulja iz šerpe gde je luk pa staviti nekoliko kašika kuvano pasulja.
(add powder and chilly paprika, ground pepper with ..Mix everything well. Put a little oil from the sherpa where the onion is on the bottom and put a few tablespoons of cooked beans)
(add powder and chilly paprika, ground pepper with ..Mix everything well. Put a little oil from the sherpa where the onion is on the bottom and put a few tablespoons of cooked beans)
Odozgo rasporediti pržen luk crni pa seckan beli pa dodati opet pasulj i luk. Završiti sa pasuljem i preliti uljem. Staviti u rernu i peći oko 30 min da se lepo zapeče i tečnost malo ispari.
(arrange fried black onions on top, then chopped white, then add beans and onions again. Finish with beans and pour over oil. Place in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes to bake nicely and evaporate the liquid a little.)
(arrange fried black onions on top, then chopped white, then add beans and onions again. Finish with beans and pour over oil. Place in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes to bake nicely and evaporate the liquid a little.)
Ostaviti malo tečnosti pasulj ne sme biti suv već sočan. Uz pasulj servirati prženu ribu.Fantastično..vrhunski recept..Prijatno..
(leave a little liquid, the beans should not be dry but juicy. Serve fried fish with beans. Fantastic … top recipe ..enjoy)
(leave a little liquid, the beans should not be dry but juicy. Serve fried fish with beans. Fantastic … top recipe ..enjoy)