Potrebno je: (ingredients)
3 jaja (3 eggs)
400-500 gr jabuka rendanih (400-500 gr grinded apples)
200 gr malina (200 gr raspberies)
1 cimet (1 cinnamon)
korica limuna (lemon crust)
50 ml. ulja (50 ml of oil)
100 ml mleka (100 ml of milk)
2 kašike šećera za jabuke (2 spoon of sugar for apples)
120 gr maslaca ili margarina (120 gr of putter)
60-100 gr šećera u prahu za maslac (60-100 gr powder sugar)
250 gr brašna (250 gr flour)
1 prašak za pecivo (1 baking powder)
Priprema: (preparation)
Uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni C Omekšati maslac, dodati šećer i prašak za pecivo umutiti mikserom
(turn the oven to 200 degrees C. Soften the butter, add sugar and whisk the baking powder with a mixer)
(turn the oven to 200 degrees C. Soften the butter, add sugar and whisk the baking powder with a mixer)
Dodati brašno, koricu limuna, ulje i mleko, Sve izjednačiti. Jabuke izrendati dodati šećera po želji i cimeta.
(add flour, lemon zest, oil and milk, equalize everything. Apples grate add sugar as desired and cinnamon)
(add flour, lemon zest, oil and milk, equalize everything. Apples grate add sugar as desired and cinnamon)
Neka malo odstoji pa ocediti sok, Pleh obložiti pek papirom ili podmazati uljem i sipati pola testa. ubaciti rendane ocedjene jabuke Odozgo rasporediti maline. Ostatak testa prekriti maline i izravnati.
(wait a while, then drain the juice, line the baking tray with baking paper or grease with oil and pour half of the dough. add grated drained apples Arrange raspberries on top. Cover the rest of the dough with raspberries and flatten)
(wait a while, then drain the juice, line the baking tray with baking paper or grease with oil and pour half of the dough. add grated drained apples Arrange raspberries on top. Cover the rest of the dough with raspberries and flatten)
Rernu smanjiti na 190 stepeni C i peći sat vremena ako treba i duže da lepo porumeni. Kolač potpuno ohladiti pa seći.
(reduce the oven to 190 degrees and bake for an hour if necessary and brown nicely longer. Cool the cake completely and cut it.)
.Nalepša lenja pita sočna rastresita vrhunska…
(the best pie ever)
(the best pie ever)