Potrebno je:
5 jaja
5 kašika brašna
1 kašika kakao
200 gr šećera
1 vanilin šećer
100 gr čokolade
250 gr šlaga
100 ml. mleka
Umutiti belanca sašećerom dodati žumanca, brašno i kako dobro izmešati i ispeći boskvit na 180 stepeni C 20 min.
Prohladiti ga pa preliti mlekom i vanilin šećerom.
Šlag umutiti pa namazati sa pola šlaga i po njemu poredjati sve jagode i po jagodama ostatak šlaga.
Kolač preliti čokoladom .
Grandma’s kitchen – a cake with strawberries and chocolate
It takes 5 eggs
5 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon cocoa
200 gr sugar
1 vanilla sugar
100 gr chocolate
250 gr of whipped cream
100 ml. milk
Whisk the egg whites sašećerom add egg yolks, flour and mix well so i boskvit Bake at 180 degrees C for 20 min.
Chill it and pour milk and vanilla sugar.
Whipped cream, whisk while lubricated with half of whipped cream and stow it all berries and strawberries the rest of the cream.
Cake poured over chocolate.