Bakina kuhinja – rezanci sa makom, orasima i sirom


Bakina kuhinja – rezanci sa makom, orasima i sirom


Potrebno je
500-600 gr. grašna
malo soli

1 jaje
200 ml. mlake vode
Brašno sipati u činiju, dodati  jaje, so, mlaku vodu i zamesiti tvrdo testo. Razviti tanku koru pa razviti rezance na mašini ili ručno kao što je u Videu prikazano. 

Rezance prokuvati, procediti i preliti sa 2 kašike vrućeg zejtina i izmešati. U testo močete dodati mak, mlevene orahe ili sir… onako kako volite. Prijatno..

Grandma’s kitchen – noodles with poppy seeds, nuts and cheese

it is necessary to
500-600 gr. grašna
pinch of salt

1 egg
200 ml. lukewarm water
Pour flour into a bowl, add egg, salt, warm water and knead hard dough. To develop a thin crust but developed noodles on the machine or by hand as shown in the video.

Boil the noodles, drain and pour 2 tablespoons of oil and hot mix. The dough can add poppy seeds, ground nuts or cheese … the way you like. Pleasant ..