Bakina kuhinja-projara sa čvarcima vrhunski recept najbolji od svih (corn bread)

Potrebno je: (ingredients)
2 jaja (2 eggs)
100 gr kukuruznog brašna (100 gr corn floud)
100 gr hlebnog brašna (100 gr white flour)
100 -150 ml ulja (100-150 ml oil)
100 gr sira na kockice (100 gr cheese cube sliced)
100 gr čvaraka sitnijih (100 gr pork crackling)
100 gr seckane šunke ili slanine (100 gr sliced ham)
50 gr kačkavalja na kockice (50 gr hard yellow cheese)
1 prašak za pecivo (1 baking powder)
soli (salt)
Priprema (preparation)
Umutiti žicom jaja dodati sve navedene sastoje dobro lagano izjednačiti.
 (whisk the eggs with a wire, add all the listed ingredients and lightly evenly.)

Pleh podmazati uljem i istresti testo .
(grease the baking tray with oil and pour dough)

Peći na 220 sepeni C oko 60 min. Služiti prohladjenu .
(bake at 220 degrees for an hour. Serve cold)