Potrebno je: (ingredients)
1 pakovanje piškota (pack of ladyfinger bisquit)
2 pudinga od karamela (2 caramel pudding)
50 gr maslaca (50 g putter)
2 kašike šećera (2 spoons of sugar)
1 vanilin šećera (1 vanilla sugar)
1/2 l mleka (half liter of milk)
2 banane (2 bananas)
po želji ukrašavanje (decor if you like)
Priprema: (preparation)
U šerpu sipati mleko dodati šećera po želji, vanilin šećer i kocku maslaca na listiće. Kad provri zakuvati puding.
(pour milk into the sherpa, add sugar as desired, vanilla sugar and a cube of butter on the leaves. When it boils, cook the pudding.)
Kalup obložiti prozirnom folijom pa poredjati sečenu bananu na dno i sa strane , sipati trećinu pudinga pa poredjati piškote.
(cover the mold with transparent foil and arrange the sliced banana on the bottom and sides, pour a third of the pudding and arrange the biscuits.)
Zatim opet puding pa piškote ..puding i završiti sa piškotama Pokriti folijom i ostaviti u frižideru par sati pa iseći i sladiti se ..Vrhhhhh kako je samo dobro..
(then pudding again and biscuits ..pudding and finish with biscuits Cover with foil and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours, then cut and sweeten.)
(then pudding again and biscuits ..pudding and finish with biscuits Cover with foil and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours, then cut and sweeten.)