Bakina kuhinja- pita sa grizom i jabukama socna mekana kao pamuk (grits and apple pie)

Potrebno je: (ingredients)
4 jaja (4 eggs)
1 limun (1 lemon)
150 ml. mleka (150 ml milk)
šećer po želji (sugar how much you want)
1 kg jabuka (1 kg apples)
100 ml ulja (100 ml oil)
1 kockica maslaca ili margarina (1 cube of putter)
cimeta malo  (cinamon)
100 gr suvog groždja (100 g dry grapes)
10 kašika brašna (10 spoon of flour)
5 kašika griza (5 spoons of grits)
1 prašak za pecivo (1 baking powder)
Priprema: (preparation)
Umutiti jaja  sa 2 kašike šećera,dodati brašno, griz prašak za pecivo, mleko,koricu limuna  sok, ulje i dobro izjednačiti. Sipati pola u podmazan peleh veličine 30×20 cm. Peći na 200 stepeni C oko 15 min..
(beat eggs with 2 tablespoons of sugar, add flour, semolina baking powder, milk, lemon zest juice, oil and equalize well. Pour half into a greased pellet measuring 30×20 cm. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 15 minutes.)
Za to vreme istopiti maslac u šerpi i ubaciti rendane jabuke, dodati šećer po želji  cimeta i suvo groždje. Dinstati malo da jabuke omekšaju i pusti sok.
(during that time, melt the butter in the sherpa and add the grated apples, add cinnamon and raisins as desired. Simmer a little to soften the apples and release the juice.)
Ohladiti malo. Izvaditi prvu koru i preko nje sipati jabuke pa odozgo drugi deo testa. Izravnati  i vratiti u rernu i peći još 50 min da se lepo ispeče.
(cool slightly. Take out the first crust and pour the apples over it, then the second part of the dough on top. Flatten and return to the oven and bake for another 50 minutes to bake nicely)
Ostaviti da se dobro ohladi i seći Mekan kao duša prelep.. Sladiti se…
(leave to get cold nicely and cut after.)