Bakina kuhinja – Najbolji recept za tikvice sa piletinom (zucchini with chicken)


Potrebno je: (ingredients)
1 veća glavica crnog luka (larger onion)
2 zelene paprike (2 green paprika)
2 sargarepe (2 carrots)
1 manja glavica karfiola (cauliflower)
500 gr piletine (500 g chicken)
2 krompira (2 potatoes)
1 paradajz (1 tomato)
ulje, biber so aleva paprika (oil, pepper, salt, powder paprika)
200 gr kisele pavlake (200 g sour cream)
2 jaja (2 eggs)
100 ml jogurta (100 ml yogurt)
peršunov list (parsley)
Priprema: (preparation)
Na ulju propržiti seckan crni luk rendanu šargarepu, i seckanu papriku. Izdinstati sve dodati karfiol. Tikvice izrendati posoliti pa ocediti tečnost kad malo odstoji. I tikvice dodati u pržen luk i sve zajedno malo propržiti.
(fry chopped onion, grated carrot and chopped pepper in oil. Simmer all add the cauliflower. Grate the zucchini, add salt and drain the liquid when it has stood for a while. Add the zucchini to the fried onions and fry everything together a bit.)


Dodati  alevu  pariku, biber, so. Krompir iseći na lističe. Tepsiju podmazati i pola krompira poredjati na dno. Istresti propržene tikvice a odozgo ostatak krompira.Jaja umutiti sa pavlakom dodati jogurt pa preliti  preko tikvica.
(add ale wig, pepper, salt. Cut the potatoes into slices. Grease the pan and arrange half of the potatoes on the bottom. Shake the fried zucchini and the rest of the potatoes on top. Beat the eggs with sour cream, add the yoghurt and pour over the zucchini.)


  Meso posoliti i premazati uljem i malo alevom paprikom. Poredjati preko krompira. Peći na 200 stepeni C oko sat vremena možda i više… da lepo zarumeni.
(Add salt to the meat and coat with oil and a little allspice. Arrange over potatoes. Bake at 200 degrees C for about an hour, maybe more … to brown nicely)
 Fantastične tikvice obavezno probajter.. Prijatno..
(its fantastic. enjoy)