Potrebno je: (ingredians)
200 gr makarona (200gr macaroni)
2 jaja (2 eggs)
150 gr sira (150gr chees)
2 kašike kisele pavlake (2 tablespoons sour cream)
100 ml jogurta ( 100ml yogurt)
malo ulja so ( a little bit of oil and salt)
Priprema: (preparation)
Skuvati makarone pa ih procediti. U činuju razmutiti jaja, dodati sir izdrobljen, jogurt, pavlaku, malo ulja i soli ako je sir neskan.
Cook the macaroni and strain them. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, add the grated cheese, yogurt, sour cream, a little oil, and salt if the cheese is unsalted.
Izjednačiti pa istresti u podmazan pleh..
Flatten and shake in a greased pan.
Peći na 220 stepeni C oko 40 min.
Bake at 220 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Malo kad se prohladi iseći vrhunsko..