Potrebno je: (ingredients)
600 gr ml. mesa mešano (600 gr minced meat)
200 gr suve slanine (200 gr bacon)
100 gr pirinča (100 gr rice)
1 glavica crnog luka (1 onion)
mast (fat)
1 glavičica belog luka (1 garlic)
soli..aleve paprike (salt and powder pepper)
tucane ljute (chilly)
lovorov list (laurel)
zrna bibera (peppercorns)
mleven biber (pepper)
listovi kiselog kupusa (sauerkraut)
300 gr suvih rebara (300 gr dry ribs)
Priprema: (preparation)
Na ulju propržiti seckan crni luk, dodati crvenu mlevenu slatku papriku, mleven biber sitno seckan beli luk malo ljute tucane paprike i skloniti sa šporeta. Dodati mleveno meso i opran pirinač i sve dobro izmešati i sve zajedno malo propržiti.Ubaciti po želji 1 jaje.
(fry chopped onion in oil, add red ground sweet pepper, ground pepper, finely chopped garlic, a little hot crushed pepper and remove from the stove. Add minced meat and washed rice and mix everything well and fry everything together a little. Add 1 egg if desired.)
(fry chopped onion in oil, add red ground sweet pepper, ground pepper, finely chopped garlic, a little hot crushed pepper and remove from the stove. Add minced meat and washed rice and mix everything well and fry everything together a little. Add 1 egg if desired.)
Listovima kupusa ostraniti tvrdi deo staviti na sredinu kašiku fila pa rukama malo izdužiti saviti ivice kupusa i uviti sarmu malo nadugačko. Redjati u šerpu uz ivice šerpe uspravno i dobro pritisnuti jednu uz drugu.
(remove the hard part from the cabbage leaves, put a spoonful of the filling in the middle, then lengthen the edges of the cabbage a little with your hands and twist the sarma a little too long. Arrange in a pan along the edges of the pan vertically and press well together.)
(remove the hard part from the cabbage leaves, put a spoonful of the filling in the middle, then lengthen the edges of the cabbage a little with your hands and twist the sarma a little too long. Arrange in a pan along the edges of the pan vertically and press well together.)
U sredinu staviti nasečena rebra i nasečenu sredinu kupusa. Dodati lovorov list neko zrno bibera po želji.
(put the chopped ribs and the cut middle of the cabbage in the middle. Add a bay leaf some peppercorns as desired.)
(put the chopped ribs and the cut middle of the cabbage in the middle. Add a bay leaf some peppercorns as desired.)
Posuti još malo paprikom tucanom i naliti vodom da ogrezne.
Kuvati oko 2.5 sata na tihoj vatri. Ukoliko je kupus prekiseo obavezno oprati listove..
(add more pepper and add water. Cook 2.5 hours on easy fire. Is sauerkraut is too salty, wash it)
Uz sarmu obavezno napravite finu mekanu bakinu proju
(with sarma use corn bread)
proja sa čvarcima
(with sarma use corn bread)