Potrebno je: (ingredients)
300 gr brašna (300 gr flour)
100 gr čokolade (100 gr chocolate)
1 prašak za pecivo (1 baking powder)
4 jaja (4 eggs)
100-150 gr šečera (100-150 gr sugar)
100 gr suvog groždja (50 gr dry grapes)
korica limuna (lemon layer)
vanilin šećer i rum šećer (vanilla sugar and rum sugar)
150-200 gr malina, višanja trešanja (po želji) (150-200 gr raspberies, cherry, by wish)
200-250 ml jogurta (200-250ml yogurt)
120 ml ulja (120 ml oil)
Priprema: (preparation)
Umutiti jaja sa šećerom, dodati brašno sa praškom za pecivo, suvo groždje sa koricom limuna, vanilin šećer i rum šećer, jogurt i ulje i sve izjednačiti. Podeliti smesu na manji i veći deo.
(whisk eggs with sugar, add flour with baking powder, raisins with lemon crust, vanilla sugar and rum sugar, yogurt and oil and equalize. Divide the mixture into smaller and larger parts.)
U manji dodati rastopljenu čokoladu i izjednačiti .Kuglof premazati uljem i posuti brašnom .
(add melted chocolate to the smaller one and equalize. Coat the kuglof with oil and sprinkle with flour)
(add melted chocolate to the smaller one and equalize. Coat the kuglof with oil and sprinkle with flour)
Sipati u dno svetli deo po kašiku pa preko čokoladni po kašiki u dva reda redjati voće. Protresti kuglof da se lepo izjednači. Peći oko sat vremena na 200 stepeni C Potpuno ohladjen izvaditi. Posuti prah šećerom po želji i vanilin šečerom
(pour the light part into the bottom by the spoon and then arrange the fruit in two rows over the chocolate. Shake the ball to level it nicely. Bake for about an hour at 200 degrees C. Remove completely cooled. Sprinkle with powdered sugar as desired and vanilla sugar)
(pour the light part into the bottom by the spoon and then arrange the fruit in two rows over the chocolate. Shake the ball to level it nicely. Bake for about an hour at 200 degrees C. Remove completely cooled. Sprinkle with powdered sugar as desired and vanilla sugar)