Potrebno je: (ingredients)
500 gr pileće džigerice (500 gr chicken liver)
2 veće glavice crnog lika (2 larger onion)
2 čena belog luka (2 cloves of garlic)
ulje,,so biber (oil, salt, pepper)
malo aleve paprike (powder pepper)
lovorov list (laurel)
malo peršunovog lista (parsley)
Priprema: (preparation)
Luk iseći na rezance sipati ulja i propržiti da bude staklast.
(cut the onion on larger pieces, add oil and fry)
(cut the onion on larger pieces, add oil and fry)
Dodati džigericu lagano promešati i smanjiti temperaturu da se dinsta u sopstvenoj tečnosti, posle 10 min dodati so, biber,lovorov list malo aleve paprike
(add the liver, stir gently and reduce the temperature to simmer in its own liquid, after 10 minutes add salt, pepper, bay leaf and a little ale pepper)
(add the liver, stir gently and reduce the temperature to simmer in its own liquid, after 10 minutes add salt, pepper, bay leaf and a little ale pepper)
..Još malo zapeći džigericu i isključiti. Dodati peršunov list…
Servitari uz kuvan krompir i li već šta volite. Vrhunskog ukusa..
(fry little bit more, add parsley, serve with what you like. Great taste)
(fry little bit more, add parsley, serve with what you like. Great taste)