Potrebno je: (ingredients)
20 gr kvasca (20 gr yeast)
1 kašičica šećera ..malo soli (little bit salt)
400 ml mleka (400 ml milk)
2 jaja (3 eggs)
50 gr rastopljeno maslaca (50 gr putter)
još malo maslaca za premazivanje (putter for topping)
700 gr brašna (700 gr flour)
susam žumance (sesamy, yolk)
Priprema: (preparation)
Rastopiti kvasac sa šećerom pa sipati u vanglicu. Dodati jaja, rastopljen maslac mleko, brašno i so i zamesiti glatko testo koje odmara 30 min na sobnoj temperaturi.
(melt the yeast with the sugar and pour into the bowl. Add eggs, melted butter, milk, flour and salt and knead a smooth dough that rests for 30 minutes at room temperature)
(melt the yeast with the sugar and pour into the bowl. Add eggs, melted butter, milk, flour and salt and knead a smooth dough that rests for 30 minutes at room temperature)
Testo razvući na sto podeliti na dva, tri dela, ja sam više jer mi je mali sto.
(develop the dough on table and cut on three parts)
(develop the dough on table and cut on three parts)
Oklagijom razvući u pravougaonik, malo premazati maslacom i uviti u rolat i seći male rolate. Tepsiju 24 cm premazati uljem i redjati rolatiće u krug i sredinu.
(roll out into a rectangle with a rolling pin, lightly coat with butter and wrap in a roll and cut small rolls. Coat a 24 cm baking tray with oil and arrange the rolls in a circle and in the middle.)
(roll out into a rectangle with a rolling pin, lightly coat with butter and wrap in a roll and cut small rolls. Coat a 24 cm baking tray with oil and arrange the rolls in a circle and in the middle.)
Pokriti da nadodje oko 20 min. Premazati žumancetom i posuti semenkama. Peći na 180 stepeni C oko 45 min. Pokriti krpom i ostaviti 15 min. pa izvaditi iz pleha. Uživajte..
(cover for 20 min. grease with yolk, add sesamy. Bake on 180 degrees for 45 min. Cover with cloth, and leave 15 min, after that take it from the tray)
(cover for 20 min. grease with yolk, add sesamy. Bake on 180 degrees for 45 min. Cover with cloth, and leave 15 min, after that take it from the tray)