Bakina kuhinja- mekane fine ružice sa sirom (cheese pastry)

Potrebno je: (ingredients)
300 ml mleka (300ml milk)
550 gr brašna
kockica maslaca (cube of yeast)
1 veće jaje (larger egg)
1 kašičica šećera (teaspoon of sugar)
malo soli (little salt)
Za nadev: (filling)
100 gr sira (100g cheese)
1 belance (1 albumen)
1 žumance za premazivanje (1 yolk for topping)
susam, krupna so.. (sesame and large salt)
Priprema: (preparation)
U mleko rastvoriti kvasac, dodati šećer, jaje i rastopljen maslac. Ubaciti brašno i so i zamesiti glatko testo. Ostaviti da poraste pa razviti na stolu pravougaonik za za cm  debljine. 
 (disolve the yeast in the milk, add sugar, egg and melted butter. Add flour and salt and knead a smooth dough. Leave to rise and develop a rectangle on the table for about cm thick.)


Većom čašom vaditi krofne. Svaku krofnu iseći na 4 dela kao na Videu . U sredinu staviti sir u koji ste dodali belance  Svaki trouglic savijati ka sredini  u krug čineći cvet. 
(take out the donuts with a larger glass. Cut each donut into 4 pieces as in the Video. Put the cheese in the middle to which you added the egg whites. Bend each triangle in the middle in a circle, forming a flower.)


Redjati u papirne korpice pa u mafini za proju. Ostaviti da porastu premazati žumancetom i posuti semenkama
(arrange in paper baskets and then in a muffin for proju. Leave to rise, coat with egg yolk and sprinkle with seeds)
 Peći na 220 stepeni C oko 25-30 min. 
(bake on 220 degrees for half an hour)


Pokriti da odmore..
(cover them, enjoy)