5 kg mesnate paprike
2 kg paradajza
200 ml. ulja
celerov list
1 glavica belog luka
Papriku obrisati i ispeći na roštilju ili plotni, pa je oljuštiti i odstraniti semenke. Samleti na mašini, ili ako volite krupnije iseckati je sitno. Ulje sipati pa kad se ugreje sipati mlevenu papriku. Pržiti je oko sat vremena pa dodati oljušten i sitno iseckan paradajz. Dodati soli.Mešati da ne zagori da pindžur dobro uvri. Dodati sitno seckan beli luk i na kraju beli luk sitno seckan celer. Pržiti još malo i ugasiti ringlu. Tegle dobro oprati osušiti i sipati u svaku po malo prženog pindžura a zatim ih napuniti do kraja. Kašikom dobro izjednačiti i isterati vazduh i mehuriće kašikom. Zatvoriti metalnim zatvaračem i teglu okrenuti naopako. Ostaviti tako tegle da se ohlade i onda ih spakovati u police sa ostalom zimnicom.
Grandma’s kitchen – pindzur to Grandma’s Naciūnų (pepper to grandma’s mode)
It’s necessary:
5 kg fleshy peppers
2 kg of tomatoes
200 ml. oils
celery leaf
1 head garlic
Delete and pepper on a grill or bake Cirl, so peel and remove the seeds. Grind on the machine, or if you prefer bigger slice it finely. Oil pour so when warm pour the paprika. Fry for about an hour and add the peeled and finely chopped tomatoes. Add soli.Mešati it does not stick well to pindzur uvri. Add finely chopped white onion and garlic at the end of finely chopped celery. Fry a little and turn off the burner. Jars washed and dried well and pour into each by little fried Pindžura and then fill them up to the end. Spoon equate good and expel air bubbles and a spoon. Close the metal fastener and turn the jar upside down. Leave both jars to cool and then pack them in with the rest of preserve police.