Bakina kuhinja – makarone u rerni
Potrebno je:
300 gr makarona
250 gr sira
200 ml. mleka
3 jaja
1 glavica luka
začin, aleva paprika biber
200 gr. salame
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Glavicu luka iseckati, i ispržiti na ulju dodati začin i alevu papriku.Makarone skuvati, paziti da se ne prekuvaju.Sir izgnječiti, dodati jedno jaje i izmešati zatim pola sira dodati u makarone. Tepsaiju namazati uljem i sipati pola makarona. Zatim dodati pržene salamu pa ostatak drugog dela makarona. U ostatak sira dodati ostala dva jaja i mleko. Preliti preko makarona. Posuti semenkama . Peći na 200 stepeni C oko 30 – 35 min. Služiti toplo….
Grandma’s cooking – macaroni in the oven
It is necessary to:
300 grams of macaroni
250 g of cheese
200 ml. milk
3 eggs
1 onion
spice, cayenne pepper pepper
200 gr. salami
Onion slice and fry in oil add seasoning and cayenne papriku.Makarone cook, take care not to prekuvaju.Sir mash, add one egg and mix then half the cheese, add the macaroni.
Tepsaiju with oil and pour half macaroni. Then add the fried salami while the rest of the second part of macaroni. In the rest of the cheese to add the other two eggs and milk. Pour over macaroni. Sprinkle seeds. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 30-35 min. Serve warm ….