Bakina kuhinja – pasterizacija krastavčića (pasteurization pickle)
Potrebno je:
3 kg. kornišona
1/2 l sirćeta
1,5 l vode
100 gr. šećera
50 soli
Krastavčiće dobro oprati pa ih poredjati u tegle, koliko god može da se pritisne. U šerpu sipati vodu dodati sirće, šećer, so, biber , slačica, korijander, lover mirodjija. Sve dobro izmešati i naliti krastavčice. Zatvoriti metalnim poklopcima. Staviti u hladnu rernu, pa uključiti na 90 stepeni C gornju i donju rernu i tajmer na 90 minuta. Kad se tajmer isključi ostaviti tegle da se ohlade i onda ih spakovati u sa ostalom zimnicom.
Grandma’s cooking – pasteurization gherkins (pickle pasteurization)
It’s necessary:
3 kg. gherkins
1/2 l of vinegar
1.5 l of water
100 gr. sugar
50 salt
Pickles, wash thoroughly, so stow them in jars, as far as can be pressed. In a saucepan pour the water, add vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, mustard, coriander, dill lover. All mix well and pour pickle. Close metal lids. Put in a cold oven, then turn 90 degrees C on the upper and lower oven timer to 90 minutes. When the timer goes off to leave the jars to cool and then pack them in with the rest of preserve.