Bakina kuhinja – uvijača sa plavim paradajzom /strudel with blue tomato/
Potrebno je:
200 ml. kisele vode
1 plavi paradajz
1 glavica crnog luka
1 prazi luk
peršunov list
3 čena belog luka
1/2 pola rendane šargarepe
mleven biber
Paradajz očistiti, i iseći na kocke , a zatim obariti 5-6 min. u slanoj vodi. Isprati u hladnoj vodi i dobro ocediti
Luk crni i praziluk iseckati pa ispržiti na ulju dodati rendanu šargarepu. Kad se proprži dodati ocedjen plavi paradajz. I njega upržiti dodati beli luk seckan, malo soli ili začina i biber i na kraju peršunov list. Može se dodati i malo aleve ili tucane paprike ko voli. List kore raširiti na sto malo je pouljiti, uzeti drugi list kore saviti ga kao harmoniku i staviti na prvu koru, kao i drugi list takodje i dodati do njega. Razbacati pržen fil, malo poprskati kiselom vodom, saviti ivice i uviti u rolnicu. Redjati u pleh. Tako uraditi i sa ostalim korama. Dobiće te tri rolnice. Pouljite ih i porskajte kiselom vodom. Pecite na 180 stepeni C 30-35 min. da lepo porumene. Služiti tople.
Grandma’s kitchen – curlers with blue tomato / tomato strudel with blue /
It is necessary to:
200 ml. acid water
1 eggplant
1 onion
1 roasted onions
3 cloves garlic
1/2 half a grated carrot
ground pepper
Tomato cleaned and cut into cubes, then obariti 5-6 min. in salt water. Rinse in cold water and drain well
Onions and leeks chopped but fry in oil add grated carrots. When the fry add the drained eggplant. And it stew add chopped garlic, a little salt or spices and pepper and parsley at the end. Can add a little cayenne or crushed peppers who loves. List bark spread on the table a little pouljiti, take another sheet of bark fold it like an accordion and put on the first layer and the second sheet and also add to it. Scatter toasted cream, a little spray acidic water, fold the edges and twist into a roll. Place them in a baking pan. So do and with other barks. He’ll get the three rolls. Pouljite them and porskajte acidic water. Bake at 180 degrees C 30-35 min. to a nice golden brown. serve hot