Bakina kuhinja -posna čorbica sa blitvom i pirinčom
Potrebno je:
200-300 gr. blitve
1 glavica crnog luka
začin, ml. biber
1 k.k.brašna
1 zelena paprika
2 krompira
50 gr pirinča
1″ rendane šargarepe pola na kolutove
aleva paprika malo
Iseckati luk, papriku, šargarepu izrendati , pa propržiti na ulju, dodati opranu i iseckanu blitvu pa i nju izdinstati, a zatim sitno na kockice krompir. Dodati alevu papriku pirinač, začin i biber i naliti vodom da se kuva. Kad se povrće i pirinač skuvali dodati umućeno brašno. Ja sam dodala i malo sec belog luka i peršunovog lista…
Grandma’s kitchen -posna soup with Swiss chard and rice
It is necessary to:
200-300 gr. Swiss chard
1 onion
spice, ml. pepper
1 k.k.brašna
1 green pepper
2 potatoes
50 grams of rice
1 „grated carrots half rings
cayenne pepper little
Chop onions, peppers, carrots grate, and fry in oil, add the washed and chopped chard and even her stew, and then finely diced potatoes. Add red pepper rice, spice and pepper and pour water to boil. When the vegetables and rice cooked scrambled to add flour. I’ve added a little sec garlic and parsley leaf …