Bakina kuhinja -pileća krilca u mirisnoj marinadi /chicken wings in a fragrant marinade/
Potrebno je:
600 gr pilećih krilca
2 šargarepe
1 paštrnak
malo aleve paprike
1 kašika pavlake
1 kašika senfa
seckan peršun,timijan ruzmaruin
origano, ml. biber
1 paradajz svež
1 glavica crnog luka
3 čena belog luka
mala glavica crnog luka
1/2 kg. krompira
Sipati 1 šoljiu ulja, dodati sitno seckan beli luk, zatim dodati peršunovog lista, timijana, ruzmarina, malo biber, origana, kašiku senfa, zatim kašiku pavlake, začina, malo aleve paprike. Sve dobro izmešati.
U marinadu staviti krilca pa dobro izmešati i ostaviti 30 min. u frižideru da krilca poprime mirise
. Krompir iseći na kriške sipati ulja, i ostatak marinade koja nam ostane od krlica pa sve dobro izmešati…Tu ubaciti luk na rabarca,šargarepu i paštrnak i paradanz nasečen. Dodati šoljicu vode poklopiti i staviti u rernu na 200 stepeni C oko sat vremena da se peče i lepo porumeni..
Prijatno iz bakina kuhinje!
Grandma’s kitchen -pileća wings in a fragrant marinade / chicken wings and a fragrant marinade /
It is necessary:
600 grams of chicken wings
2 carrots
1 parsnip
a little cayenne pepper
1 kašoka cream
1 tablespoon mustard
chopped parsley, thyme ruzmaruin
oregano, ml. pepper
1 fresh tomato
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
small onion
1/2 kg. potatoes
Video recept:
Pour 1 šoljiom oil, add finely chopped garlic, parsley leaf, thyme, rosemary, a little pepper, oregano tablespoon of mustard, then a tablespoon of sour cream, spices, a little cayenne pepper. All mix thoroughly.
The marinade put wings but stir and leave for 30 minutes. refrigerate the wings to take on odors
. Potatoes cut into slices pour the oil, and the rest of the marinade that leaves us Krlić of all the stir … Here insert onions on rabarca carrot and parsnip and paradanz nasečen. Add a cup of water cover and put in the oven at 200 degrees C for about an hour to bake and nicely browned ..
Pleasant from Grandma’s kitchen!