Makarone sa šampinjonima i ml. mesom
Potrebno je:
300 gr. mlevenog mesa
300 gr. šampinjona
1 glavica crnog luka
4 čena beog luka
300 gr makarona
3 jaja
1 pavlaka
malo kačkavalka
začin biber
Ipržiti glavicu crnog luka pa dodati ml. meso pa seckane šampinjone. Zatim na kraju seckan beli luk, začin i beli luk. Makarone skuvati. pa u njih dodati pržene šampinjone.
Umutiti jaja, pa dodati pavlaku i izmešati i nju umešati u makarone. Sve prebaciti u djuveč odozgo dodati rendan kačkavalj. Zapeći na 200 stepeni C oko 30 min. Prijatno!
Macaroni with mushrooms and ml. meat
It’s necessary:
300 gr. minced meat
300 gr. button mushrooms
1 onion
4 cloves beog Airport
300 gr macaroni
3 eggs
1 sour cream
little kačkavalka
spice pepper
Ipržiti onion and add ml. meat and chopped mushrooms. Then at the end of chopped garlic, seasoning and garlic. Cook macaroni. However, in them add the fried mushrooms. Whisk the eggs and add the cream and stir and stir it into the macaroni. All switch to top casseroles to add grated cheese. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 30 min. Pleasant!