Bakina kuhinja: pogača sa mrežicom (cake with a net)
Potrebno je
100 gr margarina
800 gr. brašna
30 gr. kvasca
200 ml. jogurta
200 ml. mleka
50 ml. ulja
3 jaja
1 kašika šećera
Kvasac rastvoriti u mleku u koji smo dodali šećer, zatim dodati ostatak mleka, jogurt, ulje, brašno so. i zamesiti srednje tvrdo testo. Ostaviti da malo naraste razmesiti pa odseći manju lopticu, a zatim i malo veću koju ćemo staviti u sredini.
Manju lopticu razviti tanje i iseći mrežicu sa valjkom. Ukoliko nemate valjak isecite tanke trakice i isprekrštajte oko lopte koja Vam stoji na sredini tepsije. Ostatak testa razviti oko prst debljine namazati razmekšanim margarinom i urolovati. Rolnicu staviti u tepsiju oko loptice koja stoji na sredine. Makazama rolnicu seći za prst debljine al i ne do kraja i prebacivati čas na jednu čas na drugu stranu kao u Videu. Pogaču namazati žumancetom i posuti semenakama (susam, kim laneno seme) Peći na 180 stepeni C oko 40 min.
Grandma’s kitchen: cake mesh (cake with a net)
It’s necessary
100 gr margarine
800 gr. flour
30 gr. yeast
200 ml. yogurt
200 ml. milk
50 ml. oils
3 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
Dissolve yeast in milk we add sugar, then add the remaining milk, yogurt, oil, flour, salt. and knead the dough medium hardness. Leave to rise a little hook, but cut a smaller ball, and then a few more that we put in the middle. Manju ball to develop thinner and cut the mesh with a roller. If you do not have stones cut thin strips and isprekrštajte around the ball, which is at the center of the pan. The rest of the dough to develop the eye lubricated finger thickness softened margarine and urolovati. Rolls put in a baking dish around the balls that stands on the environment. Scissors to cut a roll finger thickness al and not to the end time and switch to a single time on the other side as the Video. Grease a loaf of egg yolk and sprinkle semenakama (sesame, caraway seed flax) Bake at 180 degrees C for about 40 min.