Bakina kuhinja – pileći paprikaš sa tikvicama (chicken stew with zucchini)
Potrebno je:
1/2 kg. pilećeg mesa
malo bibera
1 šargarepa
1 paradajz
peršunov list
1 glavica crnog luka
začin, aleva paprika biber
1 zelena paprika
1 tikvica
lovorov list
1 kašika brašna
Tikvicu i šargarepu osistiti i iseci na kocke. Luk iseckati sitno pa propržiti u šerpi na ulju, dodati seckanu zelenu papriku, šargarepu i oljušten isečen paradajz i meso. Dodati začin alevu papriku biber lovorov list i na kraju kocke tikvica. Naliti vodom da ogrezne ipromešati.
Kuvati da meso omekne pa umutiti brašno sa malo vode i na kraju dodati u paprilaš Pustiti da provi par minuta pa dodati peršunov list sitno seckan. Isključiti i poklopiti.
Naš ručak je gotov. Uz paprikaš možete poslužiti pavlaku a i neku dobru salatu. Prijatno!
Video recepta :
Grandma’s cooking – chicken stew with zucchini (chicken stew with zucchini)
It’s necessary:
1/2 kg. chicken meat
some pepper
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 onion
spice, paprika pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 zucchini
Bay leaf
1 tablespoon flour
Flask and the bonnet and carrots and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion and sauté them in a pan with oil, add chopped green peppers, carrots and peeled chopped tomatoes and meat. Add cayenne pepper spice pepper bay leaf and finally the dice zucchini. Pour water to ogrezne ipromešati. Cook the meat soften but whisk the flour with a little water and add to the provi paprilaš Allow a few minutes and add the parsley finely chopped. Off and hang up. Our lunch is ready. With the stew can be served cream and a good salad. Pleasant!