Bakina kuhinja – medenjaci (cakes with honey)
Potrebno je
500 gr. brašna
200 gr meda
100 gr. šećera u prahu
1 prašak za pecivo
4 žumanca + 1 jaje
100 gr. maslaca
1 belance
100 gr. šećera u prahu,
Istopiti med i maslac pa ubaciti u brašno, dodati žumanca i jaje, šećer, prašak za pecivo i umesiti glatko testo. Vaditi male kuglice malo ih pritisnuti i peći na 180 stepeni C oko 15 min.
Umutiti belance pa postepeno dodavati prah šećer da se masa izjednači, da bude glatka i gusta pa umakati medenjake i ostaviti da se osuše..
Cakes with honey
it’s necessary
500 gr. flour
200 gr honey
100 gr. icing sugar
1 baking powder
4 + 1 egg yolk
100 gr. butter
1 egg white
100 gr. icing sugar
Melt the honey and butter and stir in the flour, add the egg yolks and egg, ECER, baking powder and knead smooth dough. Eject the small balls to press them a little and bake at 180 degrees C for about 15 min.
Whisk the egg whites with powdered sugar dip gingerbread and leave to dry