Bakina kuhinja – jeftin kolač izvarednog ukusa
Potrebno je:
3 jaja
1 jabuka (rendana)
100 gr. mlevenih oraha
1 šolja šećera
2 šoljice brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
1 jogurt
1/2 cimeta
1/2 šoljice ulja
Umutiti belanca sa šećerom padodati žumanca i sve nabrojane sastojke istresti u podmazan pleh i peći na 180 stepeni C 30 min.
Gotov kolač posuti prah šećerom ili glazurom od čokolade.
Grandma’s kitchen – a cheap tart taste izvarednog
It’s necessary:
3 eggs
1 apple (grated)
100 gr. ground walnuts
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 baking powder
1 yogurt
cinnamon 1/2
1/2 cup oil
Whisk the egg whites with the sugar and the egg yolks padodati all the aforementioned ingredients to pour into greased baking pan and bake at 180 degrees C for 30 min. The finished cake sprinkled with powdered sugar or chocolate glaze.