Bakina kuhinja – bešamel sos (bechamel sauce)
Potrebno je:
2 kašike brašna
kocka maslaca
300 ml. mleka začin so
muskatni oračić
Maslac topiti u šerpi pa dodati brašno ukoliko je potrebno dodati još malo maslaca i pržiti oko 2 minuta da malo porumeni. Brašno ugrejati do ključanja pa polako dodavati u brašno i brzo mešati, može žicom. Ako niste vični sklonite sa vatre pa dolivajte polako mleko i brzo mešajte da Vam se nebi stvorile grudvice. Sos kuvajte 2-3 minuta. Dodajte malo začina soli. muskatni oračić i malo belog bibera. Ja sam malo dodala i naseckala sveže mirodjije. Naš sos je gotov…
Grandma’s kitchen – bechamel sauce (bechamel sauce)
It’s necessary:
2 tablespoons flour
cube of butter
300 ml. milk flavoring were
Melt the butter in a saucepan and add flour if necessary, add a little butter and fry for about 2 minutes to a little yellow. Flour heat to boiling and slowly add the flour and quickly mix can wire. If you are not skilled remove from heat while slowly pour the milk and mix quickly that we would not create lumps. Sos cook for 2-3 minutes. Add a little seasoning salt. Muscat Oračić and a little white pepper. I’ve added a little fresh dill and naseckala. Our sauce is ready …