Bakina kuhinja – bajadera /bars with nuts and biscuits/
Potrebno je:
150 gr. šećera
150 gr. plazme
150 gr mlevenog keksa
250 gr. oraha mlevenih
200 gr. margatina
200 ml. soka
100 ml. mleka
200 gr čokolade
1 kašika kako praha
Izmešati oba keksa plazmu i mlečni mlevena, otopiti čokoladu, kao i margarin pa dodati u keks, zatim dodati 100 gr čokolade i kako, šećer mlevene orahe koje smo poparili sa mlekom i rastopljen margarin. Zatim dodati sok pa sve rukom dobro izraditi. Podeliti na pola, u jedno dodati čokoladu i kakao, a drugi ostaje svetli. Na poslužavnik rasporediti najpre deo oda čokolade a zatim svetli deo. Da bi se lepše poravnalo upotrebite oklagiju. Preliti glazurom od čokolade. Ostaviti da se dobro ohladi. Seći na štangle…
Grandma’s kitchen – bajadera / bars with nuts and biscuits /
It’s necessary:
150 gr. sugar
150 gr. plasma
150 g ground biscuits
250 gr. walnut milled
200 gr. Margatina
200 ml. juice
100 ml. milk
200 gr chocolate
1 tablespoon how powder
Biscuit mix of both plasma and milk ground, melt chocolate and butter and add the cookies, then add 100 gr of chocolate and how, sugar, ground nuts which we pour the milk and melted margarine. Then add the juice of all the hand well developed. Divide in half, into one add chocolate and cocoa, and the other remains bright. In the first part of the tray to deploy an ode to chocolate and then the bright part. To use a rolling pin nicer settled. Pour over chocolate glaze. Allow it to cool down. Cut into bars …