Bakina kuhinja – pogača sa spanaćem i sirom (cake with spinach and cheese)
Potrebno je:
4 jaja
500 gr blitve ili spanaća
600 -700 gr. brašna
200 gr sira tvrdjeg
1 kašika pavlake
300 gr. svežeg kvasca
200 ml. mleka mlakog
a jogurt
1/2 šoljice ulja
1 kašika šećeras
malo soli
Rastvoriti kvasac u malo mleka i dodati šećer, zatim 2 jaja, ostatak mleka jogurt, ulje i pola brašna, zatim so i ostatak brašna i umesiti srednje tvrdo testo. Ostaviti da naraste 20 mi. Zatim ga podeliti na dva dela. Prvu razviti veličine većeg tanjira kao i drugu.
Prvu staviti u pleh u koji ste stavili peh papir. Spanać obariti ocediti i iseći sitno, pa u njega dodati sir, pavlaku i jaje. Sve lepo izjednačiti. Staviti na sredinu manju činiju (kao na Videu) i obeležiti. Skloniti i tu prvo staviti fila a zatim sve ostalo rasporediti oko venca.
Zatim poklopiti drugom korom i dobro viljuškom ispretiskati ivice. Sada vratiti malu činiju na svedinu pa nožem za pici seći za dva prsta donji deo testa (pogledaj Video) a zatim svaki deo samo okrenuti. Skloniti sredinu pa namazati razmućenim jajetom posuti susamom i kimom.
Peći na 180 stepeni C 35 min. Pogača je odlična kad Vam se najave gosti uz jogurt ili pivo..Prijatno dragi moji.
Grandma’s kitchen – cake with spinach and cheese (cake with spinach and cheese)
It’s necessary:
4 eggs
500 gr chard or spinach
600 -700 gr. flour
200 gr cheese harder
1 tablespoon cream
300 gr. fresh yeast
200 ml. lukewarm milk
1/2 cup oil
1 tablespoon diabetic
pinch of salt
Dissolve the yeast in a little milk and add sugar, then 2 eggs, remaining milk yogurt, oil and half the flour, then the rest of the flour and knead the dough medium hardness. Allow to rise 20 mi. Then divide it into two parts. The first to develop the size of a large plate and another.
The first to put the pan in which you put the bad luck paper. Spinach obariti drain and cut finely, and add it to the cheese, sour cream and egg. All nice equalize. Put the middle of the lower bowl (such as video) and mark. Stow and the first cue stick and then the rest spread around the wreath.
Then hang the second crust and well-fork ispretiskati edge. Now go back to a small bowl Svedin but pizza knife to cut two fingers to the lower part of the test (see Video) and then each part of a turn. Stow the environment also smear beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds caraway.