Potrebno je:
Potrebno je:
4 jaja
4 pune šoljice brašna
4 šoljice šećera u prahu
1 šoljica mleka
1 šoljica ulja
1 prašak za pecivo
1 limunova korica
0k0 1 kg jabuka ( može i manje)
100 gr ml. oraha
200 gr margarina
2 kašike šećera
Margarin dobro umutiti sa šečerom dodati jaja mleko, ulje, brašno, prašak za pecivo i limunovu koricu.
Sve lepo izjednačiti. Jabuke očistiti izrendati dodati 2 kašike šećera cimet i mlevene orahe (nije moranje ako imate) Sipati pola testa u podmazan pleh pa poredjati rendane jabuke i ostatak testa. Peći na 180 stepeni C 40 min. Pečen kolač posuti prah šećerom
Grandma’s kitchen – lazy pie of our grandmothers
It’s necessary:
4 eggs
4 full cups flour
4 cups powdered sugar
1 cup milk
1 cup oil
1 baking powder
1 lemon peel
0K0 1 kg of apples (or less)
100 gr ml. walnut
200 gr margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
Margarine good whisk eggs with sugar, add milk, oil, flour, baking powder and lemon peel.
All nice equalize. Apples clean the grate Add 2 tablespoons sugar cinnamon and ground nuts (not a must if you have one) Pour half the dough in greased baking sheet so arrange the grated apples and the remainder of the test. Bake at 180 degrees C for 40 min. Baked cake sprinkled with powdered sugar