Bakina kuhinja -kremast kolač sa bananama (creamy cake with bananas
Desert koji je gotov za 30 min. Probajte obavezno…
Potrebno je:
3 banane
150 gr. šećera
200 gr. maslaca
1 l mleka
2 vanilin šećera
4 pudinga
300 gr mlečnog keksa
šlag pena 200 gr.
Skuvati puding u kogadodamo šećer, a u vruć dodati maslac i dobro izmešati. Keks izdrobiti pa i njega umešati.
Sipati pola kreme u kalup poredjati banane pa drugi deo. Ostaviti dase dobro ohladi pastaviti i ukrasiti šlagom.
Grandma’s kitchen -kremast cake with bananas (creamy cake with bananas)
Desert, which is over 30 min. Try to be sure …
It’s necessary:
3 bananas
150 gr. sugar
200 gr. butter
1 l of milk
2 vanilla sugar
4 pudding
300 gr milk biscuits
cream foam 200 gr.
Cook the pudding in kogadodamo sugar and add the hot butter and mix well. Cookie crushed and he also intervene. Pour half the cream into the mold arrange the bananas, the second part. Leave dasa pastaviti cool down and decorate the whipped cream.