Bakina kuhinja – gurmanska pita sa mesom ( Tasty meat pie)
Potrebno je
500 gr. mlevenog mesa
2 glavice crnog luka
začin, biber
3 jaja
200 ml. kisele vode
1 jogurt
Iseći sitno crni luk, i propržiti na ulju, dodati mleveno meso, začin biber. Sve kratko propržiti. Nauljiti tepsiju pa raširiti prvu koru, malo je pouljiti, tako i drugu i treću. Zatim dodati dve kašike fila ml. mesa. i sve tako dok se ne utroši ceo fil. Pitu oštrim nožem ili makazama iseći na kocke. Umutiti jaja, dodati jogurt i kiselu vodu i umalo umutiti. Preliti pitu sa time. Peći na 180 stepeni C oko 30 min. da porumeni. Služiti uz jogurt, za doručak večeru ili već kako Vi želite. Prijatno dragi moji!
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Grandma’s kitchen – gourmet meat pie (Tasty meat pie)
It’s necessary
500 gr. minced meat
2 onions
spice, pepper
3 eggs
200 ml. mineral water
1 yogurt
Cut the onion finely and fry in oil, add the minced meat, seasoning pepper. All fry briefly. Oiled pan and spread the first layer, it is pouljiti, and the second and third. Then add two tablespoons fila ml. meat. and so on until they consume all fil. Pitu sharp knife or scissors, cut into cubes. Whisk the eggs, add the yogurt and mineral water and almost a whisk. Pour over the pie with it. Bake at 180 degrees C for about 30 min. it turns yellow. Serve with yogurt for breakfast dinner or whatever you want. Pleasant dears!