Kora: 6 žumanaca 1 celo jaje 8 kašika šećera 8 ulja 8 hladne vode 8 brašna Ispeći 2 kore
1 l vode
4 pudinga od vanile skuvati sa 5 kašika šećera
6 belanaca umutiti sa 12 kašika šećera . U umućena belanca dodavati vreo puding i mešati . Na jednu koru izvrnuti celu umućenu masu od pudinga i belanaca i pokriti sa drugom korom. Odozgo ukrasiti šlagom . Prijatno želi Vam kod bake u gostima
Crust: 6 egg yolks 1 whole egg 8 tablespoons sugar 8 8 oil cold water 8 Flour Bake crust 2
1 l of water
4 vanilla pudding cook with 5 tablespoons of sugar
Whisk 6 egg whites with 12 spoons of sugar. In the beaten egg whites and add hot pudding mix. On one sheet upset the whole mass of whipped pudding and egg whites and cover with second crust. From above garnish of whipped cream. We wish you a nice day with her grandmother at home